Nursing education is currently facing challenges related to the application of nursing knowledge in clinical environments and inability of students in application of nursing procedures in clinical settings. The measurement of student satisfaction is helpful to pinpoint teacher strengths and identify areas for improvement. This study was undertaken to assess the level of satisfaction regarding implementation of nursing curriculum among nursing students. Using purposive sampling technique, 150 nursing (48-BSc, 48-GNM, 30-PB.BSc and 24 MSc(N)) students were assessed for their level of satisfaction by using semi-structured self administered questionnaire. The study revealed that the obtained mean value of GNM was 20.75 with SD of 2.99, for BSc (N) it was 21.29 with SD of 3.57, PB BSc (N) it was 19.29 with SD of 4.37 and in MSc (N) it was 19.60 with SD of 3.66. The study concluded that BSc (N) students had much better level of satisfaction regarding implementation of curriculum when compared to GNM, PB BSc (N) and MSc (N) students.